14 Dec 2012

Let us count the improvements

Often as the end of the year approaches and the subsequent beginning of the next, new, fresh, shiny following year it is customary to set up any number of Resolutions to Improve Oneself and become a Better Person. Which is all rather good, I mean, wanting to improve and develop oneself is not a bad thing.

But what about the possible improvements made during the year which is now fading? Shouldn't they be allowed to shine a bit and get a spot on centre stage for a bit? I am painfully aware that a number of the changes I had hoped to get done in 2012 didn't really happen - but I also know that some things DID!

I DID begin to eat more fruit and veg on a regular basis. Yeah, I know it rather slipped when Misao disappeared, but I did get into the habit of sneaking in the odd extra natural source of vitamins into my diet. I even managed to get sort of into it again towards the end. Never mind it wasn't quite were it had been - it was still better than last year.

I also DID manage to start eating smaller portions. That too slipped, but is also in the process of getting back on track.

I DID bang a hole in the wall of preserving my childhood, and some of my toys have now left me for ever. And it is not petrifying me. Yeah, it isn't exactly easy either, but I am adjusting my mind and mentally packing some things to leave me next year. (I really think it was a brainwave to think of giving the things in a more direct way.)

Certain areas in my home are generally much neater on a regular basis than during previous years. And I have been able to go help friends and make their lives a wee bit easier. I have started throwing away clothes without agony. I managed to curb my yarn-buying. I have even been able to give away some of my yarn! I walked 10 km in one go!! (Let's ignore the blisters and pains for now, ok?)

Now, I know perfectly well that there are still lots of things which I can't do or can't manage, I still behave like a selfish bastard, I can't stop wanting All The Things (especially the Yarn! And Lego!) But I would be a seriously stupid git if I don't also appreciate that I am a stronger, wiser and better person now than a year ago.

So - how did you improve yourself this year?

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